Emerita Professor of German Modern Languages & Literatures

Priscilla Hayden-Roy, Professor (Ph.D. Washington-St. Louis) Romanticism, 16th- & 18th-century literature has been at UNL since 1988. Her areas of specialization are 16th and 18th century German literature, Friedrich Hölderlin, German children's literature, and second language acquisition. She is the coordinator of the 200-level courses.


  • Books
    • "Sparta et Marth": Pfarramt und Ehe bei Friedrich Hölderlin und in seinem Umkreis. In: Tübinger Bausteine zur Landesgeschichte, Vol. 17, ed. Sönke Lorenz et al. Stuttgart: Thorbecke, 2011. (published December, 2010, with 2011 given as year of publication).
      ("Sparta et Martha": The Pastorate and Marriage in Friedrich Hölderlin's Life and in his Circle of Acquaintances.)
    • "A Foretaste of Heaven": Friedrich Hölderlin in the Context of Württemberg Pietism. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 1994.
      • The Year's Work in Modern Language Studies 57 (1995): 795.
      • Monatshefte 88 (1996): 517-521, by Richard Eldridge (Swarthmore College).
      • Zeitschrift für Württembergische Landesgeschichte 55 (1996): 471-473, by Ulrich Ott, (National Schiller Museum, Marbach, Germany).
      • Colloquia Germanica 31 (1998): 177-179, by Mark Roche, University of Notre Dame.
  • Articles (* = peer-reviewed)
    • In Print
      • "Magnus Friedrich Roosens lutherischer Pietismus und der junge Friedrich Hölderlin," accepted for: Hilding Pleijel-Symposium Series, Bibliotheca Historico-Ecclesiastica Lundensis. Invited talk at Hilding Pleijel Symposium VI, Magnus Friedrich Roos und Schweden, 16. April 2009, Lund, Sweden.
      • "Johann Jakob Efferenn (1770-1824)," accepted for Texturen, Tübinger Jahre, ed. Hölderlin Society. (Invited article.)
    • Published
      • * "Zur Klärung des Verhältnisses zwischen Hölderlin und Elise LeBret: Einträge der Geschwister LeBret in Heinrike Bräunlins Stammbuch." Hölderlin-Jahrbuch 36 (2008-2009), 265-270.
      • "Elise Lebret und Friedrich Hölderlin," Hölderlin: Sprache und Raum. Turm-Vorträge 6: 1999-2007. Tübingen: Hölderlin-Gesellschaft, 2008, 149-182. (Publication of invited talk.)
        Review of talk: Schwäbisches Tagblatt, January 21, 2006, by Kurt Oesterle.
      • * "Der gelenkte Streit als pädagogisches Mittel in der Kinder- und Jugendliteratur." Sprache und Literatur 101 (2008), 76-98.
      • "Der gelenkte Streit als didaktisches Mittel in der deutschen Kinderliteratur." Akten des XI. Internationelen Germanistienkongresses Paris 2005: "Germanistik im Konflikt der Kulturen". Vol. 10. Jahrbuch für Internationale Germanistik: Reihe A: Kongressberichte, Vol. 86. Berne: Peter Lang, 2007, 265-269.
      • * "Zwischen Himmel und Erde: der junge Hölderlin und der württembergische Pietismus"; Hölderlin-Jahrbuch 35 (200/07): 30-67.
      • * "‘Der Mensch prüfe sich selbst ...': Eine Predigt Nathanael Köstlins als Kontext für Hölderlins ersten erhaltenen Brief," Hölderlin-Jahrbuch 34 (2004/05): 302-329.
      • * "Well-Structured Texts Help Second-Year German Students Learn to Narrate," Unterrichtspraxis 37 (2004): 17-25.
      • * "Refining the Metaphor in Lessing's ‘Erziehung des Menschengeschlechts,'" in Monatshefte 95 (2003): 393-409.
      • "Hermann Bote," and "Sebastian Franck," in Dictionary of Literary Biography, Volume 179, German Writers of the Renaissance and Reformation 1280-1580, ed. James Hardin and Max Reinhart. Washington, DC: Bruccoli Clark Layman, 1997. pp. 3-13; 70-82. (invited article)
      • "Hermeneutica gloriae vs. hermeneutica crucis: Sebastian Franck and Martin Luther on the Clarity of Scripture," Luther Digest 1 (1993), 74-75. (This is a condensed version of the article that appeared in 1990 in the Archive for Reformation History.)
      • * "The Masquerade of History: Herman Bote's Schichtboik," Daphnis 22 (1993), 561-580.
      • "Sensate Language and the Hermetic Tradition in Friedrich Christoph Oetinger's Biblisches und Emblematisches Wörterbuch," Subversive Sublimities, ed. Eitel Timm (Columbia, SC: Camden House, 1992), 58-69. (Invited article.)
        Reviews of Volume:
        • South Atlantic Review 58 (1993), 124 f., by Karl J. Fink.
        • Journal of European Studies 23 (1993), 330 f., by K. F. Hilliard.
        • German Quarterly 67 (1994), 580, by Steven D. Martinson.
      • * "New and Old Histories: The Case of Hölderlin and Württemberg Pietism," CLIO 21 (1992), 369-380.
      • "On Parasitic Discourse in Till Eulenspiegel: Can We Take it Seriously?" in Lesarten, ed. Alexander Schwarz. Text Analysis in the University and SCHool (TAUSCH), Vol. 1. Berne: Peter Lang, 1990, 79-87. (Invited article.)
      • * "Till Eulenspiegel's Transgressions Against Convention: Interpreting the Parasite," Daphnis 20 (1991), 7-31.
      • * "Hermeneutica Gloriae vs. Hermeneutica Crucis: Sebastian Franck and Martin Luther on the Clarity of Scripture," Archive for Reformation History (1990), 50-68.
      • Poag, James, & Hayden, P. "Meister Eckhart und Sebastian Franck: Mystisches Wort, soziopolitische Folgerungen im Mittelalter und in der Reformationszeit." In: Das Weiterleben des Mittelalters in der deutschen Literatur. Königstein: Athenäum, 1983, 25-37.
    • Translations
      • Schelling, F.W.J. "Ideas on a Philosophy of Nature as an Introduction to the Study of this Science," and idem, "Philosophical Investigations into the Essence of Human Freedom and Related Matters." Trans. by P. Hayden-Roy. In Philosophy of German Idealism, ed. Ernst Behler. NY: Crossroads, 1987, 167-202, 217-284.

Pedagogical Materials

  • German Children's and Youth Literature, GOLDEN (German Online Distance Education Network), primary author (course offered spring 2005, spring 2008, fall 2009).
  • Blackboard-based second-year German course, developed with Sabine Koelbl-Mannarelli. In use at University of Nebraska-Lincoln from Fall, 1999 until 2009.

Invited Lectures & Papers Presented at Scholarly Meetings

  • "Sie wahren [sic!] die angenehmsten Stunden meines Lebens": Die Briefe von Wilhelmine von Tessin an ihren Freund und Lehrer Ludwig Neuffer." Invited lecture, Hölderlin Society, Tübingen, July, 2009.
  • Magnus Friedrich Roosens lutherischer Pietismus und der junge Friedrich Hölderlin. Invited talk at Hilding Pleijel Symposium VI, Magnus Friedrich Roos und Schweden, 16. April 2009, Lund, Sweden.
  • "Hölderlin und der württembergische Pietismus: Zwischen Himmel und Erde." Invited lecture, Biannual International Meeting of the Hölderlin Society, Tübingen, Germany, June, 2006.
  • "Friedrich Hölderlin und Elise Lebret," invited lecture, Hölderlin Society, Tübingen, Germany, January, 2006.
  • GOLDEN's First Literature Course: German Children's and Youth Literature, ACTFL, Baltimore, MD, November, 2005.
  • "Der gelenkte Streit als didaktisches Mittel in der deutschen Kinderliteratur." Internationale Vereinigung für Germanistik, Paris, France, August 2005.
  • "Following the Narrative: Where do Structured Texts Take our Students?" with Prof. Aleidine J. Moeller, ACTFL Conference, Chicago, IL, November 2004.
  • Presentation at GOLDEN Session: "German Children's Literature Course", with Prof. Aleidine J. Moeller, Stefan Brunner, ACTFL Conference, Chicago, IL, November 2004.
  • "German Children's Literature," with Sheri Hurlbut, Marissa Wanamaker, NILA 2004 Conference, Lincoln, NE, October 2, 2004. (Received Best Presentation of Conference Award.)
  • "Moving from Sentence-Length to Paragraph-Length Discourse through a Story-Based Curriculum in a 3rd-Semester German Class," with Prof. Aleidine J. Moeller, ACTFL Conference, Philadelphia, PA, November 2003.
  • "Meeting the Standards and the Teacher Shortage: A Collaborative Approach," with Prof. Aleidine J. Moeller, in ACTFL Session: Confronting the Teacher Shortage in German, ACTFL Conference, Philadelphia, PA, November 2003.
  • "Teaching German with Contemporary German Children's Literature," NILA (Nebraska International Language Association), Lincoln, NE, October 18-19, 2002.
  • "Proficiency Issues in Curriculum Design in FL Instruction Following the First Year," Nebraska Foreign Language Association, Schuyler, NE, October 19-20, 2001.
  • "How Proficiency Issues Drove Us to the Internet: New Second-Year German Course on Blackboard at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln," presented with Sabine Koelbl-Mannarelli at ACTFL Conference, Boston, MA, November, 2000.
  • "Sensate language and the Hermetic Tradition in Friedrich Christoph Oetinger's Biblisches und Emblematisches Wörterbuch," presented at MLA, San Francisco, CA, December, 1991.
  • "Ennobling the Metaphor in Lessing's 'Erziehung des Menschengeschlechts,'" presented at MLA, San Francisco, CA December, 1991.
  • "Herman Bote's View of the City in the Schichtboik," Sixteenth Century Studies Conference, St. Louis, MO, October, 1990.
  • "New and Old Histories in Light of Hölderlin and Pietism," presented at the Missouri Philological Association Annual Meeting, Fulton, MO, April 5-7, 1990.
  • "Till Eulenspiegel's Transgressions against Convention: Interpreting the Parasite," presented at a special session of the Society for German Renaissance and Baroque Literature, in conjunction with the American Association of Teachers of German Annual Convention, Boston, MA, November 17-19, 1989.
  • "Hermeneutica gloriae vs. Hermeneutica crucis: Sebastian Franck and Martin Luther on the Clarity of Scriptures," presented at the Quincentennial Celebration of Martin Luther's Birth, sponsored by the Society for Reformation Research, St. Louis, MO, June 1, 1983.
  • "Meister Eckhart und Sebastian Franck: Mystisches Wort/Soziopolitische Folgerungen im Mittelalter und in der Reformationszeit," presented with James Poag at the St. Louis Symposium on German Literature, St. Louis, MO, March 26-28, 1982.


  • Best Session, NILA Conference, October 2, 2004, for "German Children's Literature," with Sheri Hurlbut and Marissa Wanamaker. Certificate of Recognition for Contributions to Students, awarded by Parents Association and The Teaching Council of UNL, January, 2004.
  • STAR Award, Awarded by the Nebraska Department of Education and the Nebraska International Language Association, fall, 2002.
  • STAR Award, Awarded by the Nebraska Department of Education and the Nebraska Foreign Language Association, fall, 2001.
  • Certification of Recognition for Contributions to Students, awarded by Parents Association and The Teaching Council of UNL, January, 2000.

Items on this Page:

Professional Societies

  • American Association of Teachers of German, Member
  • Nebraska Association of Teachers of German, Member
  • Hölderlin Gesellschaft, Member of Executive Board (Vorstand) – elected May, 2010 to a four- year term