Translation and Interpretation Services

N gateway on campus

The Nebraska Translator and Interpreter Corps (NETIC) is a partnership between the Department of Modern Languages and Literatures, the Bureau of Sociological Research (BOSR), and the Nebraska community to provide quality and affordable translation and interpretation services, as well as to offer professional experience for graduate students in the translation field. NETIC’s core idea is to create strong, dynamic connections between the department and the community in the state of Nebraska.

  • Services are available for Arabic, English, French, German, and Spanish.
  • Specialized services in health, non-profit, legal, and policy/governmental settings, as well as literary and scholarly requests.
  • Each translation undergoes a language and terminology assessment by a faculty mentor to ensure its quality and accuracy.

NETIC creates professional training and experience for graduate students while promoting the full participation of the Nebraska community in all its diversity and richness. NETIC members are committed to reducing the gap between academia and society. At the same time, NETIC believes that translation and interpretation services are essential to fully exercise democracy, social justice, and equality.

Request translation or interpretation

Become a translator or interpreter
NETIC Members Application

Our team spent 2021-2022 disseminating pertinent information to study participants, Lincolnites, and people across Nebraska in a variety of languages. Check out this update in the Bureau of Sociological Research's 2021-22 annual report!


If you are requesting a service, please use the service form instead of the email. Thank you.