The department offers scholarships twice per academic year to students. Several scholarships ranging from $100 - $2,000 are given out at the discretion of the Scholarship Committee, depending on the number of applicants and available funds. The largest awards are reserved for students who major in a language, with minors receiving next highest awards.


Departmental Scholarships

Janet and Donald Marine Scholarship

  • Be enrolled in DMLL courses
  • Be a full-time undergraduates
  • Preference is given to students traveling abroad for language studies (no summer awards given)

Martin & Sophia Wagner Scholarship

  • Be 21 or older
  • Be pursuing the study of a foreign language or langugage in a foreign country through study abroad
  • Have a declared major/minor in a language

Grace I. Bridge Scholarship

  • Be an undergraduate
  • Be involved in German, Slavic, or other Romance languages.

Elizabeth A. Grone Scholarship

  • Be an undergraduate
  • Have a major or minor in a language
  • Study abroad
  • Have good academic merit

Harold E. & Phyllis V. Spencer Award for Excellence in Modern Languages

  • Be a full-time undergraduate
  • Be taking DMLL classes
  • Be enrolled in a Department-approved study abroad program
  • Preference given to Nebraskan/Midwestern high school graduates

French Undergraduate Scholarship Fund

  • Be a newly-declared French major (within the last academic year)
  • GPA of 3.5 or above in French classes and good academic standing
  • Sophomore standing or above
  • Show high level of engagement in French studies
  • Amounts will vary based on availability but will total at least $1,000

French Summer Program in Angers Scholarship

  • Planning to participate in the summer program
  • Major or minor in French (or considering it)


Questions about departmental scholarships

General scholarship and financial aid information
Office of Scholarships and Financial Aid Office