Iker González-Allende
Leland J. and Dorothy H. Olson Professor of Modern Languages and Literatures, Professor of Spanish, Spanish Section Head Modern Languages & Literatures University of Nebraska-Lincoln
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Iker González-Allende (Ph.D. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) is Leland J. and Dorothy H. Olson Professor of Modern Languages and Literatures, Professor of Hispanic Studies and program faculty of the Women’s and Gender Studies Program. He specializes in 20th-21st C. Spain, masculinities, gender and queer studies, exile and migration, Basque studies, the Spanish Civil War, and autobiographical writing.
He has published seven books: the monographs Hombres en movimiento: Masculinidades españolas en los exilios y emigraciones, 1939-1999 (Purdue University Press, 2018) and Líneas de fuego: Género y nación en la narrativa española durante la Guerra Civil (1936-1939) (Biblioteca Nueva, 2011); a critical edition of the novel Euzkadi en llamas, by Ramón Belaustegigoitia (Txalaparta, 2020); the edited volumes El mundo está en todas partes: La creación literaria de Bernardo Atxaga (coedited with José Ángel Ascunce Arrieta, Anthropos, 2018) and El exilio vasco: Estudios en homenaje al profesor José Ángel Ascunce Arrieta (Universidad de Deusto, 2016); and the editions of Pilar de Zubiaurre’s works, titled Evocaciones: Artículos y diario (1909-1958) (Saturrarán, 2009) and Epistolario de Pilar de Zubiaurre (1906-1970) (Tamesis, 2014). He has also published more than 60 articles in books and academic journals such as Hispania, Bulletin of Spanish Studies, Anales de la Literatura Española Contemporánea, Ínsula, Hispanic Research Journal, Revista de Estudios Hispánicos, and Bulletin of Hispanic Studies.
His articles have appeared in 37 different academic journals worldwide, in countries such as Spain, United States, Great Britain, Germany, Canada, Italy, Netherlands, and Brazil.
Committee Involvement in DMLL
- Executive Committee for the Department of Modern Languages & Literatures
- Spanish Section Head
- Graduate Committee
- Graduate Advisor for Spanish
Fields of Specialization
- 20th and 21st C. Spanish literatures and cultures
- Masculinities
- Gender and Queer Studies
- Exile and Migration
- National Identities
- The Spanish Civil War
- Basque Studies
- Francoism and Falange
- Memoirs and Letters
Masculinidades gays y maricas en la cultura española contemporánea.
Ed. Iker González-Allende. Barcelona-Madrid, Egales, 2024. 320 pages. Colection G, LGTBQ University Studies Series. ISBN 978-84-19728-65-4.
This book analyzes the diversity of masculinities of gay and queer men in Spanish culture from 1975 to the present times. It explores the multiple ways in which gay and queer men embody and understand virility, from positions that are complicit with hegemonic masculinity to alternative masculinities that oppose normative behavior. It includes eleven chapters written by renowned professors from universities in the United States, Spain and Australia, covering various literary and audiovisual genres such as narrative, poetry, theater, television and film. The book analyzes different types of gay masculinities, such as the dissident, hedonistic, intellectual, homonormative, HIV-positive, affect-based, and that of men with disabilities. The chapters study various writers and directors, some distinguished in the Spanish gay canon (Rafael Chirbes, Vicente Molina Foix, Dionisio Cañas) and others more recently recognized (Roberto Pérez Toledo, Héctor Lozano, Juanjo Olasagarre, Angelo Néstore). The volume investigates masculinities from an intersectional perspective, considering multiple identity aspects such as social class, age, race, disability, and national identity.
Ramón Belaustegigoitia. Euzkadi en llamas. 1938.
Ed. Iker González-Allende. Tafalla, Spain: Txalaparta, 2020. 609 pages. ISBN 978-84-18252-17-4
This is the first edition of the novel since its original publication date in 1938 in Mexico, where Ramón Belaustegigoitia went into exile after living several episodes of the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). It includes González-Allende’s introduction, which presents the author’s works and ideology and analyzes the novel. The novel offers the perspective of the Basque nationalism during the Spanish Civil War through the main character, a young man who joins the Basque army to fight against the Francoist forces that started the war with a coup d’état against the democratic Second Spanish Republic. In addition to the main character’s romantic relationships, the novel narrates the main battles of the war in the Basque Country, focusing on the experiences of both civilians and soldiers, such as the 1937 aerial bombing of Gernika by the Nazis in support of Franco. Although the work conveys the need to fight for the freedom of the Basque Country until death, it also delivers a humanitarian message for people with different ideologies to understand each other. With more than 600 pages, it is the longest and most panoramic novel about the Spanish Civil War in the Basque Country published during the years of conflict.
Reviewed in:
“Euzkadi en llamas, la novela.” Hamaika Bide Elkartea website, November 1, 2020. José Ramón Zabala Aguirre.
Bulletin of Spanish Studies, vol. 98, no. 5, 2021, pp. 828-29. Jon Kortazar Billelabeitia
Hombres en movimiento: Masculinidades españolas en los exilios y emigraciones, 1939-1999
West Lafayette: Purdue University Press, 2018. 309 pages. Vol. 74 of Purdue Studies in Romance Literatures Series. ISBN 978-1-55753-835-2
This book delivers the first sustained study of how the Spanish masculine identity, of both homosexual and heterosexual men, is impacted when men are compelled to leave their country. In the book, González-Allende examines the literary output of Spanish male authors over three periods of emigration and exile: the long Republican exile from the Spanish Civil War (1936–1939), the emigration to Europe during the Spanish economic crisis of the 1960s, and the recent period of emigration of intellectuals to the United States through the end of the twentieth century. Revealing and unpacking recurring patterns of isolation, insecurity, discrimination, and feminization in the host country, González-Allende argues that exile and emigration cause a crisis of powerlessness that can have a destabilizing effect on one’s masculinity. González-Allende also examines a countervailing trend among Spanish exiles and émigrés of these periods, that from the same crisis some achieve a greater sense of freedom and improve their socioeconomic standing. Each of the seven chapters analyzes a different Spanish male exile or émigré: the adolescent, the man at a crossroad, the idle man, the returning man, the working man, the onanist, and the academician. Works studied are likewise from a range of authors: Luis de Castresana, Juan José Domenchina, Juan Gil-Albert, Max Aub, Francisco Ayala, Patricio Chamizo, Víctor Canicio, Terenci Moix, Antonio Muñoz Molina, and Javier Cercas.
El mundo está en todas partes: La creación literaria de Bernardo Atxaga
Eds. Iker González-Allende and José Ángel Ascunce Arrieta. Barcelona: Anthropos, 2018. 318 pages. Vol. 53 of Autores, Textos y Temas. Literatura. ISBN 978-84-17556-02-0
This book offers a panoramic view of the literary creation of Bernardo Atxaga since his first works in the 1970s to the present time. The book covers the different periods of the Basque author: his avant-garde beginnings, the Obaba cycle, the realist period about the political circumstances of the Basque Country and his latest works, located in other geographical contexts. The volume includes one extensive interview of González-Allende with him, as well as 14 contributions from renowned scholars on Basque studies that analyze Atxaga’s whole literary career, including his novels, collections of poems, essays, and children’s books. The essays analyze multiple topics such as memory, terrorism, violence, animalism, autofiction, humor, rural and urban spaces, and hybrid identity. This book reveals how Atxaga's works entail thematic and stylistic intricacies, exposing at the same time the specificity and universality of Basque culture.
El exilio vasco: Estudios en homenaje al Profesor José Ángel Ascunce Arrieta
Bilbao: Universidad de Deusto, 2016. 420 pages. ISBN 978-84-15759-92-8.
This book offers a panoramic view of the exile that the Basque Country suffered during and after the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). The volume, written in homage to Professor José Ángel Ascunce Arrieta, includes an interview with him and fifteen contributions by renowned scholars from Europe, Latin America and the USA. The book is divided into two main parts: “General studies” and “Authors and works of the Basque exile.” The essays reveal the plurality of the Basque exile by studying both Basque nationalist authors (Aguirre, Onaindía, Oñatibia, Zaitegui, Azpiazu, the Antzerki group, Monzón, Ametzaga, Martín de Ugalde) and Republican authors (Ugarte, López Miarnau, Mansilla, Álvarez Arregui, Guilarte, Champourcin, Elío, Blanco Aguinaga, Martín Elizondo, Imaz, Larrea and Olarte). The chapters also cover all the literary genres and fields such as philosophy, periodicals, painting, film, and higher education. The topics analyzed include the traumatic memory of the war and the bombing of Gernika, homesickness and maintenance of the Basque language and national traditions, settlement and adaptation to the host country, and humanist and universal thought.
Reviews of El exilio vasco
- Studies in 20th and 21st Century Literature 41.2, 2017, article 12. Iker Arranz
- Cuadernos de Historia Contemporánea 39, 2017, pp. 425-27. David Mota Zurdo
- Sancho el Sabio: Revista de cultura e investigación vasca 40, 2017, pp. 306-7. Goretti Ramírez
- RILCE: Revista de Filología Hispánica 34. 1, 2018, pp. 409-11. Ibon Izurieta
- Anales de la Literatura Española Contemporánea 43.1, 2018, pp. 237-41. Isabel Álvarez-Sancho
- Cuadernos para Investigación de la Literatura Hispánica 44, 2018, pp. 488-95. Julio Escribano Hernández
- Hispanófila 182, 2018, pp. 194-95. Cristina Ortiz Ceberio
- Olivar: Revista de literatura y cultura españolas 18.27, 2018, e031. Guadalupe Barrios Rivero
- Monteagudo: Revista de literatura española, hispanoamericana y teoría de la literatura 23, 2018, pp. 269-70. María Pilar Rodríguez
- Hispania 101.4, 2018, pp. 643-44. Ada Ortúzar-Young
Epistolario de Pilar de Zubiaurre (1906-1970)
Woodbridge: Tamesis, 2014. Edition, transcription, introduction and notes. xxvi + 414 pages; 10 illustrations. ISBN 978-1-85566-276-6.
This book compiles 188 unpublished letters which, from 1906 until 1970, Pilar de Zubiaurre wrote to and mostly received from numerous Hispanic intellectuals and artists, ranging from José Ortega y Gasset to Zenobia Camprubí and María Martos de Baeza. The volume is divided into three main sections, organized chronologically: letters of her youth, letters during the Spanish Civil War, and letters during exile. In the first section, which includes numerous letters from painters (e.g. Aurelio Arteta, José de Togores, Manuel Fontanals) and writers (e.g. Gabriel Miró, Azorín, Concha Méndez), we witness the active Spanish cultural life during the 20s and 30s. The second section shows the propaganda efforts of the Republican intellectuals during the Civil War, as well as the difficulties of daily life. The third section, the longest in the volume, comprises letters from fellow exiles such as Gonzalo Rodríguez Lafora and Ángel Ossorio, letters sent from Spain by relatives and friends, and letters from American intellectuals such as Susana Huntington. The letters from female friends such as Camprubí and Martos de Baeza are especially relevant because they illustrate how women in exile kept alive the Republican memory and built communicative bridges between Spain and the exile communities in America.
Reviews of Epistolario de Pilar de Zubiaurre
- Laberintos: Revista de estudios sobre los exilios culturales españoles 17 (2015): 436-39. José Ángel Ascunce Arrieta
- Anales de la Literatura Española Contemporánea 41.1 (2016): 251-55. María Luisa Guardiola Tey
- Arizona Journal of Hispanic Cultural Studies 19 (2015): 293-96. Enric Bou
- Migraciones & Exilios 16 (2016): 225-29. Ana Fernández Asperilla
- RILCE: Revista de Filología Hispánica 33.2 (2017): 820-24. Elena Cueto Asín
- Hispanófila 179 (2017): 208-9. Aurélie Vialette
- Bulletin of Spanish Studies 94.7 (2017): 1243-44. Margaret Tejerizo
- Letras Femeninas 43.1 (2017): 168-71. Carmen de Urioste
Líneas de fuego: Género y nación en la narrativa española durante la Guerra Civil (1936-1939).
Madrid: Biblioteca Nueva, 2011. 265 pages. ISBN 978-84-9940-174-4
This book investigates the associations between gender and national identity in narratives written by Spanish authors from 1936 until 1939. Relying on scholars such as Nira Yuval-Davis and George L. Mosse, this book analyzes and compares works and illustrations from the two major sides of the Spanish Civil War, Republican and Francoist. The main argument is that both groups, despite their distinct political views, in fact exhibit a marked similarity in terms of perspectives on gender. Specifically, I argue that Republican and Francoist authors create characters that conform to traditional ideas about the roles that men and women play in the construction of the nation. I also study how the texts sometimes contradict the gender division promoted in their official ideologies. Each chapter focuses on the construction of the nation in relation to a figure of war: the mother, the fiancée, the nurse, the soldier, and the enemy. In total, I analyze fourteen works, written by authors as diverse as Ernestina de Champourcin, Rafael García Serrano, Concha Espina, and Benjamín Jarnés.
Reviews of Líneas de fuego
- Romance Quarterly 59.4 (2012): 269-70. Diana Arbaiza
- Revista Canadiense de Estudios Hispánicos 36.2 (2012): 423-25. Jordan Tronsgard
- Revista de Estudios Hispánicos 46.3 (2012): 586-88. Daniel Arroyo-Rodríguez
- Letras de Deusto 42.135 (2012): 271-74. Mercedes Acillona
- Hispania 95.4 (2012): 752-54. Sally Perret
- Bulletin of Hispanic Studies 90.1 (2013): 111-12. Rachel Ann Linville
- Iberoamericana 12.48 (2012): 230-32. Ana Luengo
- Nueva Revista de Filología Hispánica 60.2 (2012): 650-53. Enrique Álvarez
- Letras Femeninas 39.1 (2013): 204-06. Salvador Oropesa
- Arizona Journal of Hispanic Cultural Studies 17 (2013): 265-67. Judith Caballero
- Hispanófila 170 (2014): 164-68. Juan Carlos Martín
- Hispanic Research Journal 15.3 (2014): 279-80. Rose Mary Abrão Nascif
- Bulletin of Spanish Studies 91.6 (2014): 947. Jean Andrews
- Journal of Spanish Cultural Studies 17.4 (2016): 413-15. Aintzane Rincón
Pilar de Zubiaurre, Evocaciones: Artículos y diario (1909-1958).
Donostia: Saturrarán, 2009. Edition, introduction and notes. 331 pages. ISBN 978-84-934455-7-7
This volume compiles the articles and diaries that Basque author Pilar de Zubiaurre wrote at the beginning of the 20th century and during her exile in Mexico, where she lived for thirty years. Zubiaurre played a decisive role in the culture of Spain during the 1920s and 30s, organizing gatherings, befriending the chief Spanish artists and literary figures of her time, and participating actively in the founding and development of the Lyceum Club Femenino in Madrid, the first cultural association of Spanish women.
The articles of this book appeared originally in the newspaper Bizkaitarra (1909-10) and in Euzko Deya (1944-58), under two different pseudonyms, probably because of Zubiaurre's fear of being publicly acknowledged. In her articles, Zubiaurre shows her wish to improve the national culture and her nostalgia of the Basque country during exile. In her diaries, written from 1913 to 1943, Zubiaurre reveals the obstacles a bourgeois woman had to face at the beginning of the twentieth century in order to pursue an artistic career. The entries Zubiaurre wrote during the Spanish Civil War illustrate her political commitment to the democratic Second Republic and prove the multiple stances women can assume during war, because along with detailed descriptions of battles and attacks against the Francoist faction, she expresses sympathy towards the mothers of dead enemy soldiers.
Reviews of Pilar de Zubiaurre, Evocaciones
- Chasqui: Revista de Literatura Latinoamericana 39.2 (2010): 238-39. Ariana Vigil
- Transitions: Journal of Franco-Iberian Studies 6 (2010): 121-24. Yolanda Gamboa
- Anales de la Literatura Española Contemporánea 36.1 (2011): 291-93. Irune del Río
- Letras de Deusto 41.130 (2011): 245-47. Mercedes Acillona
Articles & Book Chapters
- “An Exiled Basque Woman in the United States: Gender and Nation in Basque Girl (1940), by Mirim Isasi.” Spain's 1939 Exile in the Americas and Maryland: Eighty Years, Alive in Our Hearts, edited by José María Naharro-Calderón, Madrid, Iberoamericana-Vervuert, 2022, pp. 147-166.
- Lara A. Garrido and Iker González-Allende. “Del macho ibérico al hombre de familia: Masculinidad, emigración y franquismo en Vente a Alemania, Pepe y Un franco, 14 pesetas.” Letras Hispanas, vol. 18, 2022, pp. 15-29.
- “Tradición y modernidad de la mujer vasca: Género, nacionalismo vasco y exilio estadounidense en las obras de Mirim Isasi.” Sancho el Sabio: Revista de Cultura e Investigación Vasca, no. 44, 2021, pp. 77-101.
- Iker González-Allende and Alfonso Bartolomé. “Del poder masculino a su resistencia: La masculinidad hegemónica y sus fisuras en Historias del Kronen (1994), de José Ángel Mañas.” Bulletin of Hispanic Studies, vol. 98, no. 8, 2021, pp. 831-47.
- “El manso y el guapo de cara: Masculinidades alternativas y marginalizadas y sexualidades masculinas en La buena estrella, de Ricardo Franco.” Boletín de la Academia Norteamericana de la Lengua Española (BANLE), vol. 12, no. 23, 2020, pp. 91-117 [published in 2021].
- “Hombres españoles desplazados: Masculinidades y nación en los exilios y migraciones españoles durante el franquismo.” Studia Historica: Historia Contemporánea, vol. 38, 2020, pp. 151-74. Special issue on masculinities and nationalism, edited by Xavier Andreu Miralles.
- “El nacionalismo vasco en el exilio en los Estados Unidos: Masculinidad vasca e identidad nacional en White Stars of Freedom (1942), de Mirim Isasi y Melcena Burns Denny.” Revista de Lenguas y Literaturas Catalana, Gallega, y Vasca, vol. 25, 2020, pp. 187-215.
- “Displaced Spanish Men: Masculinity, Sexuality and Migration in Hemos perdido el sol (1963), by Ángel María de Lera.” Romance Quarterly, vol. 66, no. 4, 2019, pp. 205-17.
- “Mujeres que trabajan: La economía feminista en la narrativa de Eider Rodríguez.” Symposium: A Quarterly Journal in Modern Literatures, vol. 73, no. 4. 2019, pp. 203-18.
- “Women's Friendship in Exile: Healing in the Epistolary Correspondence Between Zenobia Camprubí and Pilar de Zubiaurre.” Art from Trauma: Genocide and Healing Beyond Rwanda. In Honor of Chantal Kalisa, edited by Rangira Béa Gallimore and Gerise Herndon, Lincoln, University of Nebraska Press, 2019, pp. 201-15.
- “Escritoras vascas y feminismo: La ubicua violencia sexual contra la mujer en los relatos de Eider Rodríguez.” Revista de Escritoras Ibéricas 6 (2018): 109-37.
- “Ansiedad autorial y profesionalización de la mujer escritora en las memorias de María Martínez Sierra.” Ínsula: Revista de letras y ciencias humanas 841-842 (2017): 48-52. Special issue on Spanish women authors edited by Pura Fernández.
- “El trauma del retorno: Masculinidad y exilio en Max Aub.” El trauma en la literatura hispánica, eds. Ricardo de la Fuente Ballesteros, Jesús Pérez-Magallón and José Manuel Goñi Pérez. Valladolid: Universitas Castellae, 2016, pp. 117-27.
- “Onanismo y emigración gay en las memorias de Terenci Moix.” Sexualidades periféricas: Consolidaciones literarias y fílmicas en la España de fin del siglo XIX y fin de milenio, eds. Nuria Godón and Michael J. Horswell. Madrid: Fundamentos, 2016, pp. 183-208.
- “The Migrant Family Man: Masculinity, Work and Migration in Víctor Canicio’s Vida de un emigrante español.” Iberoamericana: América Latina - España - Portugal 16.62 (2016): 131-47.
- “Estados Unidos como patria de redención: El exilio del nacionalismo vasco en Yanqui hirsutus, de Manuel de la Sota.” Cuadernos de ALDEEU 30.1 (2016): 13-34.
- “Hermandad femenina en el exilio: Escritura terapéutica en cartas inéditas de Zenobia Camprubí.” RILCE: Revista de Filología Hispánica 32.2 (2016): 364-87.
- “The Basque Big Boy? Basque Masculinities in Vaya Semanita.” Journal of Iberian and Latin American Studies 21.1 (2015): 19-37.
- “El fantasma del deseo: delirios nacionalistas en Huesos, de Ramiro Pinilla.” Ramiro Pinilla: El mundo entero se llama Arrigunaga. Ed. Mercedes Acillona López. Bilbao: Universidad de Deusto, 2015. 145-63.
- “De niño del exilio a hombre de la ‘nueva España’: Masculinidad y nacionalismo español en El otro árbol de Guernica, de Luis de Castresana.” Ipotesi: Revista de estudos literários 18.1 (2014): 119-32.
- "El ex-hombre: Masculinidad y exilio en la poesía de Juan José Domenchina." Neophilologus 98.3 (2014): 433-48.
- "La nación en llamas: Representaciones femeninas del nacionalismo vasco durante la Guerra Civil Española." Changes, Conflicts and Ideologies in Contemporary Hispanic Culture. Ed. Teresa Fernández-Ulloa. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2014. 165-88.
- "De retornos incompletos: Patriotismo crítico y exilios imborrables en la correspondencia epistolar de María Martos de Baeza." Letras Femeninas 39.2 (2013): 167-83.
- "De héroe a santo: Masculinidad y españolidad en La vida nueva de Pedrito de Andía, de Sánchez Mazas." Revista Canadiense de Estudios Hispánicos 36.3 (2012): 481-500.
- "Women's Exile and Transatlantic Epistolary Ties in the Work of Pilar de Zubiaurre." Hispania: A Journal devoted to the teaching of Spanish and Portuguese 95.2 (2012): 211-26.
- "Dying for the Nation: Rite of Passage, Homoeroticism and Martyrdom in the Falangist Narrative during the Spanish Civil War." Bulletin of Hispanic Studies 89.3 (2012): 271-92.
- "El adiós del exiliado: Las rutas de la memoria en Pilar de Zubiaurre." El exilio republicano de 1939 y la segunda generación. Ed. Manuel Aznar Soler and José Ramón López García. Sevilla: Renacimiento, 2012. 1052-58.
- "Las novias de Concha Espina: Amor durante la Guerra Civil Española." Revista de estudios hispánicos 45.3 (2011): 527-49 [Washington U. in St. Louis]
- "Masculinities in Conflict: Representations of the Other in Narrative during the Spanish Civil War." Hispanic Research Journal 11.3 (2010): 193-209.
- "El testimonio desde el exilio: El compromiso político en las memorias de Dolores Ibárruri y María Martínez Sierra." Testimonios del exilio: Exilio en primera persona. Ed. Mercedes Acillona. San Sebastián: Hamaika Bide Elkartea, 2010. 83-101.
- "Cartografías urbanas y marítimas: Género y Modernismo en Concha Méndez." Anales de la literatura española contemporánea 35.1 (2010): 89-116. Special issue on Spanish Modernism, ed. Christopher Soufas.
- "Profetismo y pensamiento humanitario en el teatro de Martín Elizondo y de Belausteguigoitia." Exilio y artes escénicas. Eds. Iñaki Beti Sáez and Mari Karmen Gil Fombellida. San Sebastián: Saturrarán, 2009. 655-78.
- "'Vivir sola no es lo mismo que estar sola': Carmen Alborch y el compromiso de la soledad." Escritoras y compromiso: Literatura española e hispanoamericana de los siglos XX y XXI. Eds. Ángeles Encinar and Carmen Valcárcel. Madrid: Visor, 2009. 741-56.
- "From the Self to the Nation: Willpower in José María Salaverría." Romance Notes 49.1 (2009): 61-69.
- "La poesía de Ángela Figuera desde la crítica anglosajona." Zurgai: Poetas por su pueblo 12 (2009): 8-11. Special issue on Ángela Figuera, ed. José Ramón Zabala.
- Co-authored with L. Elena Delgado. "Deshaciendo los nudos: Fetichismo y feminidad en la obra de Jasone Osoro." Bulletin of Spanish Studies 86.5 (2009): 653-73.
- "De la romántica a la mujer nueva: La representación de la mujer en la literatura española del siglo XIX." Letras de Deusto 39.122 (2009): 51-76.
- "¿Ángeles en la batalla?: Representaciones de la enfermera en Champourcin y Urraca Pastor durante la guerra civil española." Anales de la literatura española contemporánea 34.1 (2009): 83-108.
- "'Yo vivo en euskara, no como defensa, no como arma, sino como una manera de ser': Conversación con la escritora Jasone Osoro." Arizona Journal of Hispanic Cultural Studies 12 (2008): 203-17.
- "El imperialismo espiritual de Ramón de Belausteguigoitia: América y España en el pensamiento de un nacionalista vasco." El exilio: Debate para la historia y la cultura. Ed. José Ángel Ascunce. Donostia: Saturrarán, 2008. 409-21.
- "De ansiedades masculinas: Cartas de un alférez a su madre, de José María Salaverría." Ojáncano: Revista de literatura española 34 (2008): 85-106.
- "Pilar de Zubiaurre: entre el cometa y la sombra." Non zeuden emakumeak? La mujer vasca en el exilio de 1936. Ed. José Ramón Zabala. Donostia: Saturrarán, 2007. 409-37.
- "El mar y la pared: El exilio histórico frente al exilio existencial en la poesía final de Ernestina de Champourcin." Escritores, editoriales y revistas del exilio republicano de 1939. Ed. Manuel Aznar Soler. Sevilla: Renacimiento, 2006. 883-88.
- "Rulfo en Donoso: Comala y El Olivo como espacios infernales." Hispanófila 148 (2006): 13-30.
- "Los espacios ideológicos en Carmen Baroja, escritora del 98." Cultura Latinoamericana: Annali dell'Istituto di Studi Latinoamericani 7 (2006): 397-423.
- "La novela rosa de ambientación vasca e ideología franquista durante la guerra civil española." Revista Internacional de Estudios Vascos 50.1 (2005): 79-103.
- "De la pasividad al poder sexual y económico: el sujeto activo en Sirena Selena." Chasqui: Revista de literatura latinoamericana 34.1 (2005): 51-64.
- "Entre la modestia y el orgullo: las coordenadas metapoéticas de Carolina Coronado." Decimonónica: Revista de producción cultural hispánica decimonónica 1.1 (2004): 33-51.
- "El exilio como viaje y destino final en la poesía de evocación y de deseo de Ernestina de Champourcin." Sancho el Sabio: Revista de cultura e investigación vasca 20 (2004): 147-69.
- "Eugenio o Proclamación de la primavera, de García Serrano: Narrativa falangista durante la guerra civil." Letras de Deusto 102.34 (2004): 77-100.
- Co-authored with Joseba Pérez Moreno. "Análisis narrativo del recuerdo en 'El regreso' y 'Del cemento. La trampa de cemento', de Martín de Ugalde." Martin Ugalde azterkizun / Encuentros con Martín de Ugalde. Ed. Xabier Apaolaza and José Ángel Ascunce. San Sebastián: Saturrarán, 2002. 275-301.
Book Reviews
- Rev. of Nueve meses con los rojos en Madrid, by Ana María de Foronda, edited by Antonella Russo. Mediodía: Revista Hispánica de Rescate, vol. 4, 2021, pp. 291-93.
- Rev of Con el franquismo en el retrovisor: Las representaciones culturales de la dictadura en la democracia (1975-2018), edited by Elizabeth Amann, Diana Arbaiza, María Teresa Navarrete Navarrete, and Nettah Yoeli-Rimmer. Arizona Journal of Hispanic Cultural Studies, vol. 24, 2020, pp. 247-49 [published in 2021].
- Rev. of Bridge / Zubia: Imágenes de la relación cultural entre el País Vasco y Estados Unidos, edited by Jon Kortazar. Bulletin of Spanish Studies, vol. 97, no. 7, 2020, pp. 1245-46.
- Rev. of A New History of Iberian Feminisms, edited by Silvia Bermúdez and Roberta Johnson. Hispania, vol. 103, no. 2, 2020, pp. 275-76.
Rev. of Pathways of Desire: The Sexual Migration of Mexican Gay Men, by Héctor Carrillo. Revista de Estudios de Género y Sexualidades, vol. 44, no. 2, 2018-19, pp. 127-29. - Rev. of La memoria de los maquis: Miradas sobre la guerrilla antifranquista, by Rachel Linville. Arizona Journal of Hispanic Cultural Studies 21 (2017): 336-38.
- Rev. of Diario de juventud. Escritos. Traducciones, by Zenobia Camprubí, edited by Emilia Cortés Ibáñez. Letras Femeninas 42.2 (2016-2017): 175-77.
- Rev. of La mujer moderna en los escritos de Federica Montseny, by Nuria Cruz-Cámara. Hispanófila 178 (2016): 303-5.
- Rev. of Galicia, a Sentimental Nation: Gender, Culture and Politics, by Helena Miguélez-Carballeira. Hispanic Research Journal 16.6 (2015): 561-3.
- Rev. of La casa de enfrente, seguido de dos capítulos de la novela "Mientras allí se muere", by Ernestina de Champourcin, edited by Carmen de Urioste-Azcorra. Revista de Escritoras Ibéricas 3 (2015): 154-58.
- Rev. of Spanish New York Narratives 1898–1936: Modernization, Otherness and Nation, by David Miranda-Barreiro. Forum for Modern Language Studies 51.4 (2015): 502-3.
- Rev. of Tacit Subjects: Belonging and Same-Sex Desire among Dominican Immigrant Men, by Carlos Ulises Decena. Letras Femeninas 39.1 (2013): 196-98.
- Rev. of War, Exile, Justice, and Everyday Life, 1936-1946, edited by Sandra Ott. Arizona Journal of Hispanic Cultural Studies 16 (2012): 344-45 [published in 2013].
- Rev. of Médicos escritores en España, 1885-1955: Santiago Ramón y Cajal, Pío Baroja, Gregorio Marañón y Antonio Vallejo Nágera, by Alfredo J. Sosa-Velasco. España Contemporánea: Revista de Literatura y Cultura 24.1 (2011): 90-92 [published in 2013]
- Rev. of Ernesto Giménez Caballero: The Vanguard Years (1921-1931), by Andrew A. Anderson. Bulletin of Hispanic Studies 90.1 (2013): 109-10.
- Rev. of Dentro/Fuera: El espacio homosexual masculino en la poesía española del siglo XX, by Enrique Álvarez. Hispania 95.3 (2012): 538-39.
- Rev. of Diario de la revolución y de la guerra, by Carlos González Posada, edited by Miguel Ángel del Arco Blanco. Bulletin of Spanish Studies 89.5 (2012): 818-20.
Rev. of Letras arrebatadas: Poesía y química en la Transición española, by Germán Labrador Méndez. Bulletin of Spanish Studies 88.6 (2011): 914-15. - Rev. of Nazioaren hondarrak: Euskal literatura garaikidearen historia postnazional baterako hastapenak, by Joseba Gabilondo. Journal of Spanish Cultural Studies 9.3 (2008): 367-68.
- Rev. of Teaching Representations of the Spanish Civil War, ed. Noël Valis. Journal of Midwest Modern Language Association 41.1 (2008): 131-33.
Graduate Courses Taught
- Feminist Theories; Feminist Perspectives (at the Womenʼs and Gender Studies Program)
- The Spanish Civil War
- Spanish Women Writers
- Masculinities in Motion (at the Women’s and Gender Studies Program)
- Contemporary Basque Narrative and Culture
- 20th-21st C. Spanish Poetry
- Introduction to Literary Criticism
- Family and Nation in Contemporary Spanish Narrative
- Gender Performance in 20th-century Spanish Drama
- La España peregrina: Spanish Republican Exile Literature
- Spanish Civil War Cultural Studies: Literature and Culture in 1936-1939
- Peripheries and Center in 20th and 21st-century Spanish Narratives
- Queer Spain: Gay Spanish Literature
- Spanish Modernism, 1898-1936
- Spanish Narrative under Franco’s Dictatorship
- Memoirs, Diaries and Letters in 20th C. Spain
Advisor of Ph.D. students
- Alfonso Bartolomé. Negacionismo migratorio: El contradiscurso en la producción cultural de la emigración española, 1960-2020, defended in April 2022. Tenure-track Assistant Professor at Virginia State University since Fall 2022.
- Montserrat Fuente-Camacho. Representando la discapacidad en España y Latinoamérica: La producción cultural hispánica de autores/as con diversidad funcional en los siglos XX y XXI, defended in June 2021. Visiting Assistant Professor at Nebraska Wesleyan University, 2021-22. Tenure-track Assistant Professor at California State University, Fullerton since Fall 2022.
- Heather Jerónimo. Forming Fam(other)hood: Queer Parenthood in 20th and 21st-Century Spanish Narrative and Film, defended in January 2014. Tenured Associate Professor at the University of Northern Iowa.
- Garbiñe Vidal-Torreira. La mujer frente al espejo: Representación de la edad de la mujer en cuentos de escritorias españolas del siglo XXI, defended in April 2013. Tenured Associate Professor at Hendrix College.
- Lara A. Garrido
- Olatz Sánchez-Txabarri
- Daniel Lino Plata
Professional Service
Manuscript reviewer for the following academic journals: Revista de Estudios de Género y Sexualidades, Revista Canadiense de Estudios Hispánicos, Arizona Journal of Hispanic Cultural Studies, Letras Hispanas, Hispanófila, Cuadernos de Historia Contemporánea, Journal of Popular Romance Studies, Men and Masculinities; Politics, Religion and Ideology; Hispania, Letras Femeninas, Revista de Escritoras Ibéricas, RILCE: Revista de Filología Hispánica, Nationalities Papers: The Journal of Nationalism and Ethnicity.