Abla Hasan
Professor of Practice Modern Languages & Literatures University of Nebraska-Lincoln
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Abla Hasan, Professor of Practice of Arabic language and culture, is a native speaker of Arabic. She teaches Arabic language and culture and she is the Program's undergraduate adviser and coordinator. Her teaching and research focus on Qur'anic Studies, Islamic feminism, women and gender studies and Arabic studies.
This page includes the most recent accomplishments. To view more, see Dr. Hasan's CV or her Faculty Spotlight.
- PhD, Philosophy of language, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, May 2013.
- MA, Philosophy, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 2009.
- Diploma of high studies in philosophy, Damascus University, 2001.
- BA, Philosophy, Damascus University, 2000.
Recent Publications
Book publications:
On Pain and Suffering: A Qur’anic Perspective. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, April 8, 2024 (Paperback)
The Qur’anic Dilemma: A Hermeneutical Investigation of al-Khidr. London and New York: Routledge. Routledge Studies in Islam and Human Rights. December 9, 2022.
On Pain and Suffering: A Qur’anic Perspective. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, Feb 7, 2022 (Hardcopy)
Decoding the Egalitarianism of the Qur’an: retrieving lost voices on gender. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, November 2021 (Paperback).
Decoding the Egalitarianism of the Qur’an: retrieving lost voices on gender. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, October 2019. (Hardcopy).
Peer reviewed articles:
“Moving from male-centric fallacies to feminist interpretive authority” in Journal of Feminist Studies in Religion, Indiana University Press. 39.2 (2023), 91–93.
“Niqula Ghabriyal, Abhath al-Mujtahidin” in Christian-Muslim Relations, vol. 18 The Ottoman Empire (1800-1914), (Leiden: Brill). Co-authored with Simon A. Wood, Classics and Religious Studies, 2021.
“al-Tamimi l-Dari and Al-sayf al-saqil” in Christian-Muslim Relations, vol.18, (Leiden: Brill). Co-authored with Simon A. Wood, Classics and Religious Studies, 2021.
Book review: Arab cooking on a prairie Homestead and Recollections from a Syrian Pioneer. In. Great Plains Quarterly. Lincoln: Center for Great Plains Studies. Vol: 38. No: 4. 2018.
“The Queen of Sheba: Would rethinking the Quranic story support female public leadership In Islam?”. In: Analize: peer-reviewed international journal. The Romanian Society for Feminist Analyses. Issue No: 7(21), 2016.
“The Quranic story of Mary: Does rethinking the text support women prophethood?”. In: Ar-Raniry: peer reviewed international journal of Islamic Studies. The State Islamic University (UIN). Vol: 3. No: 1. 2016.
“Scientific language credibility: a philosophical investigation”. In: Dirasat Wa Abhath: an international peer reviewed research journal. University of Djelfa. N: 20, Sep 2015.
“The individual-group transformation: a triple academic approach to understanding social human nature”. In: Jil: an international peer reviewed journal. Jil research center. ISSN 2311-5181. No: 11. September 2015.
“Defending backwards causation against the objection form the ignorance condition”. In: Disputatio: an international peer reviewed journal of philosophy. Philosophy center of the University of Lisbon. Vol: VI. No: 39. November 2014.
“Physicalism: a critical approach”. In: Jil: an international peer reviewed journal. Jil research center. ISSN 2311-5181. No: 3. October 2014.
“Psychological backwards causation”. In: Al-Manarah: peer reviewed journal. Al-al Bayt University. Vol: 20. No: 2. February 2014.
“Plato’s antifeminism: A new dualistic approach". In: E-logos. ISSN 1211-0442. University of Economics. Prague. 2012.
Academic Grants and Awards
- The first annual Women's and Gender Justice Award at UNL 2023.
- Rev. Dr. Michael Combs Award for Scholars of Equality and Justice 2023.
- UNL College of Arts and Sciences Distinguished Teaching Award for 2022.
- Grant from the University of Michigan. Mellon Foundation Digital Islamic Studies Curriculum project (DISC), fall 2022, $14,371.
- UNL/DMLL summer student recruitment grant. $1500 “Why Arabic at UNL?” 2022.
- College of Arts and Sciences Research Impact and Engagement Grant. Fall 2021. $5000
- Faith in the Story: Trialogues for Enhancing Religious Literacy. Workshop sponsored and funded by the Arthur Vining Davis Foundations and the Ansari Institute for Global Engagement with Religion in Notre Dame’s Keough School of Global Affairs. 2021.
- UNL Center for Transformative Teaching Pedagogic Intervention Grant. $1000 for ARAB 391: Global Islam: Current Debates new course and curriculum development. Fall 2021.
- UNL/DMLL summer research grant. $500 for ARAB 391 Global Islam: Current Debates new course and curriculum development. Fall 2021.
- Collage of Arts and Sciences Engagement Award for 2021.
- Grant from University of Michigan. Mellon Foundation Digital Islamic Studies Curriculum project (DISC) to support UNL’s Arabic Studies Neighbors interfaith talk series, January, 2021. $750
- Interpreting Muslim Tradition: Struggle for Democracy, Gender Equality, and Minority Protection. UNK, UNL, UNO Grant proposal. CO-PI, 2021.
- Forcibly Removed: Workshop and Symposia on the Lived Experiences of Displaced Persons. UNK, UNL, UNO Grant. CO-PI, $150,000, 2020
- Grant from University of Michigan. Mellon Foundation Digital Islamic Studies Curriculum project (DISC) to support the Big Arabic Day, March 5th, 2020.
- “Forcibly removed: Homeland Detachments of International and Indigenous Refugees”. UNL-UNK collaboration initiative, CO-PI, $ 20,000, 2019
- Grant from University of Michigan. Mellon Foundation Digital Islamic Studies Curriculum project (DISC), fall 2019 and spring $26,733, 2019-2020.
- Grant from Middle East learning and cultural center (MELCC): Ames, Iowa to support the Big Arabic Day 2019.
- Grant from the Saudi Arabian Cultural Mission to the U.S: Fairfax, Virginia to support the Big Arabic Day, 2019. $650
- Grant from University of Michigan. Mellon Foundation Digital Islamic Studies Curriculum project (DISC), spring, 2019. $15,843
- ENHANCE College of Arts and sciences award for research, scholarship, and creative activities, spring 2018.$5000
- Grant from University of Michigan. Mellon Foundation Digital Islamic Studies Curriculum project (DISC), spring, 2018.$10,000
- UNL peer review project fellowship, faculty development program, 2016-2017. $1000.
- UNL Certificate of recognition for contributions to students, UNL parents association, 2017.
- UNL Certificate of recognition for contributions to students, UNL parents association, 2016.
- UNL peer review project fellowship, faculty development program, 2015-2016. $500. Project portfolio
- UNL parents’ association grant to support events at UNL, spring 2015. $150
- UNL Convocations Committee award for funding a guest speaker, fall 2014-2015. $750
- UNL peer review project fellowship, faculty development program, 2014-2015. $500. Project portfolio
- Pennsylvania STARTALK Fellowship for teachers of Arabic: A Professional Development Program for Teachers (Arabic), STARTALK Arabic Academy at Penn State, The training was covered by a fellowship that also covered ARAB 497G, Section 601: teaching Arabic, Pennsylvania, May 21 to July 21, 2014.
- UNL parents association grant to support events at UNL, spring 2014.
- UNL Certificate of recognition for contributions to students, UNL parents association, 2013.
- UNL Convocations Committee award for funding a guest speaker, fall 2013-2014. $750
- Nominated for the outstanding graduate teaching assistant award by the department of Classics and Religious studies, University of Nebraska-Lincoln for the year 2012-13
- Damascus University scholarship for graduate study abroad, 2009.\
- The Fulbright scholarship for the Master’s degree, 2007.
- Al Basel award for Academic Excellency for the year 1998, (Damascus University)
- Al Basel award for Academic Excellency for the year 1997, (Damascus University)
Invited Lectures & Talks
- Invited Zoom talk: Conversations & Connections series, Lutheran Family Services (LFS), April 23, 2024.
- Invited talk: Why Does God Allow the Pain and Suffering of Children? A New Qur'anic Reading. The UNO Islamic Studies Program. Omaha-Nebraska. May 11, 2023.
- Invited Talk: A virtual journey through the Arab world, language, and culture. South Community College. April 11, 2023. A link to the talk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mf_13rcih1k
- Invited virtual lecture: Islam: A religion for our times. University of Nebraska-Lincoln/ History Department. Nov1, 2022 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sEN717xYCmY&t=1s
- Invited virtual lecture: On becoming American. University of Nebraska-Lincoln. October 28, 2022. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N5qtHDVzrBM&t=11s
- Invited virtual lecture: 15 years as an immigrant in Nebraska. Nebraska Wesleyan University, October 1, 2022. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fkFRaBjpXe4
- Invited virtual lecture: Mary in the Qur’an. Penn State University. Sep 22, 2022.
- Invited virtual lecture: What does it mean to read the Qur’an as a woman? Radboud University – Nijmegen – The Netherlands. April 28, 2022.
- Invited virtual lecture: Marriage in the Qur’an. Hastings College. Texas. April 25, 2022. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j04caafYZMI&t=28s
- Invited virtual talk: the 2022 American College Personnel Association International Colloquium session "Intersecting identities of international faculty: challenges and well-being”. A panel hosted by the Commission for Global Dimensions of Student Development. April 15, 2022. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ys0KJZNfo8g&list=PLszC_yqXETVjs7MhaBluh8hfSOKs_NSK9&index=23
- Invited guest speaker. Dr. Max Mueller (Classics and Religious Studies). Nebraska University. See a link to the lecture: Why does not God stop evil people? A new book reading. March 31, 2022. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=moEzRSkCICY&t=751s
- Invited virtual lecture: On becoming American. University of Nebraska-Lincoln. October 28, 2022. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N5qtHDVzrBM&t=11s
- Invited virtual lecture: 15 years in Nebraska as a Muslim woman. Nebraska Wesleyan University. Sep 30, 2022. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fkFRaBjpXe4&t=2s
- Gender Equity Conference: Globalizing Gender Equity Panel. Panel presentation. Nebraska University. November 11, 2021.
- “Decoding the Egalitarianism of the Qur’an” an invited book reading event. The Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Monday Sep 13, 2021.
- "Truth about 4:34 -- The Quran's Most Controversial & Misunderstood Verse". The Women's Mosque of America (Located in Los Angeles, CA). Friday, July 30th, 2021.
- The Queen of Sheba in Muslim tradition. An invited zoom lecture. University of Houston. Texas. 6/28/2021.
Role of Islam in Moroccan culture. The Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Invited Talk. 4/14/2021. - Rethinking (Q: 4:34): Ending 14 centuries of domestic violence held in the name of Islam. Kansas University MSA. Invited talk. 3/8/2021.
Culture and COVID-19 in an international comparative context. Panel discussion. Wesleyan University, Nebraska. Feb23, 2021. - “Quran’s most controversial 4:34: a new interpretation”, DISC supplementary invited talk, Penn-State University, State-College, March 2, 2020.
- Worship and wisdom. Invited talk. “Five myths about Islam” First Plymouth Church. Sep 4th, 2019.
- “Teaching Islam vs. preaching Islam in the classroom: how to teach an ideology-free course on Religion”, DISC supplementary invited talk, Rutgers University, Digital Islamic curriculum, Rutgers University. New Brunswick, New Jersey April 11, 2019.
- DISC Round Table discussion, Mellon Foundation Digital Islamic Studies Curriculum, Chicago, May10, 2018.
- “The Lost Gender Egalitarian Voice of the Qur’an”. Invited Talk. Digital Islamic curriculum, Rutgers University. New Brunswick, New Jersey, Feb 19, 2018.
- “The Muslim Ban: Patriotism or Xenophobia”. Featured Guest. UNL Ethics Center. Lincoln. January 24, 2018.
- “Faith and Feminism”. Panel discussion. Wesleyan University. Lincoln. October 24, 2017.
- "Between Allah and Me (and Everyone Else)". A film screening and a panel discussion. The Mary Riepma Ross Media Center. Sep, 2017.
- “Understanding Islam: what it's like to be Muslim in the Midwest”. An invited talk. Hastings College, French Memorial Chapel. Hastings. April 28, 2017.
- “A reading and a reflection from the Story of Mary in the Quran”. An invited talk. Saint Paul United Methodist Church. Lincoln. April, 18, 2017.
- “World Religions Panel: Wisdom from Diverse Voices”. Panel discussion. Heckman Auditorium. Doane College. Crete. April 6, 2017.
- “Strength in Solidarity”. Keynote speaker. Women’s Week 2017: The 11th annual Women’s History Month Banquet, The University of Nebraska Women’s Center. Champion's Club. March 15, 2017.
- “Syrian conflict and refugee crisis”. An invited talk. UNL Global studies Global Café .Nebraska union. Colonial A. January 26, 2017.
- “The meanings of gratitude”. Keynote speaker. Interfaith Thanksgiving Service. South Street Temple. November 20, 2016.
- “The Muslim Jesus”. An invited lecture. First- Plymouth. Nov 13, 2016.
- “Women in the Quran”. An invited lecture. First- Plymouth: Mayflower Hall. October 29, 2016.
- “Embrace diversity”. Panel discussion. Bryan Health College. Lincoln. October 24, 2016.
- “What is the Quran?” An invited lecture. First- Plymouth: Mayflower Hall. September 28, 2016.
- “Women in the Middle East: Hopes and challenges”. Women's Salad Supper. First-Plymouth. June 15, 2016.
- “The Muslim Mary”. An invited talk. First-Plymouth. June 12, 2016.
- “How do we get to Haven?” An invited talk. First-Plymouth East at Kloefkorn Elementary. June 12, 2016.
- “Women in Islam”. Nebraska citizens for science. Saint. Paul Church. April 21, 2016.
- “Symposium: Understanding and Embracing Individuals from the Middle East”. Unitarian Church. Lincoln. March 17, 2016.
- “Identifying Stereotypes”. Keynote speaker. Doan Collage. Multicultural Support Services Crete. March 14, 2016.
- “Women issues in the Arabic culture”. Heartland Association: Nebraska Conference. United Church of Christ. Spring meeting. March 13, 2016.
- “Puddin”. Panel discussion. Child hunger in the community. The Johnny Carson School of Theatre and Film. March 12, 2016.
- “The Quran”. First Lutheran Church. Lincoln. Feb 9, 2016.
- “A Syrian Immigrant's Experience”. The Faith Coalition of Lancaster County. The community heath endowment. Lincoln. Feb, 2016.
- “Syria: An ongoing journey into the unknown”. Featured discussion leader. UNL Ethics Center. Gaughan Multicultural Center. Jan 20, 2016.
- “The Syrian Crisis”. St. Matthew's Episcopal Church. Lincoln. Dec, 2015.
- “Syria and ISIS: The Human Cost”. Panel discussion. UNL: Nebraska Union Auditorium. Dec, 2015.
- “Perspectives in Feminism”. Panel discussion. Wesleyan University. Nov 19, 2015.
- “Syria: ways to help”. An invited talk. St. Mark’s Episcopal Church. Lincoln, Nov 15, 2015.
- “On Muslim Christian relations”. An invited talk.Vine Congregational United Church of Christ. Lincoln. Nov 11, 2015.
- “Refugee Migration Crisis”. Panel discussion. Union college. Sep 24, 2015.
- “Jesus: A symposium”. Panel discussion. Doan College (school of graduate professional studies). July 16, 2015.
- “Islam and Christianity”. An invited talk. First-Plymouth East. June28, 2015.
- “Religions' Attitude towards the Material World”. Panel discussion. Union College. Ortner Center. April 6, 2015.
- “Women of the Middle East”. Panel discussion. UNL women Center. March 17th, 2015.
- “Women in Religion”. Panel discussion. Union College. Ortner Center. Feb 9, 2015.
- “Women in religion”. Panel discussion. UNL women Center. March 17th, 2014
- “How can I find God?” Symposium. Doane College. Lincoln. 2012.
- “God, the Qur'an and the Prophet”. Symposium. Doane College .Lincoln. 2012