Errapel Mejias-Vicandi
Associate Professor Modern Languages & Literatures University of Nebraska-Lincoln
- Address
OLDH 1029
Lincoln NE 68588-0315 - Phone
Errapel Mejías-Vicandi, Associate Professor. He teaches classes on Linguistics and Advanced Grammar. He has published articles on formal syntax, formal semantics, cognitive semantics and pragmatics. His main research interest is the study of subordination: functional/rhetorical properties of hypotactic clauses, intersubjectivity and the role of mood in interpretation. He is currently working on concession and its role in argumentation.
DMLL & UNL Committees
- Salary Merit Advisory Committee
- Language Lab Committee
- Spanish Search Committee
- Student Fulbright Committee
B.A. in Philology, Universidad de Deusto, Bilbao, Spain, 1985.
Ph.D. in Linguistics, University of California at San Diego, La Jolla, 1993.
Dissertation: "Syntax, Discourse and Acts of the Mind" (Director: Sige-Yuki Kuroda)
- Mejías-Bikandi, Errapel. 2022. “Settledness, Polarity and Mood in Spanish Complements.” Borealis: An International Journal of Hispanic Linguistics, 11(3), 265-289.
- Mejías-Bikandi, Errapel. 2019. “Gradual Conventionalization of Pragmatic Inferences.” International Review of Pragmatics, 11 (1), 222-234.
- Enkin, Elizabeth and Errapel Mejías-Bikandi, 2017. “The effectiveness of online teaching in an advanced Spanish language course.” International Journal of Applied Linguistics 27 (1), 176-197.
- Mejías-Bikandi, Errapel. 2016. “Entailments, Pragmatic Assertion and Mood.” Borealis: An international Journal of Hispanic Linguistics, 5 (1), 107-122.
- Enkin, Elizabeth and Errapel Mejías-Bikandi. 2016. “Using Online Translators in the Second Language Classroom: Ideas for Advanced Level Spanish”. Latin American Journal of Content and Language Integrated Learning, 9 (1), 138-158.
- Mejías-Bikandi, Errapel. 2014. “A Cognitive Account of Mood in Complements of Causative Predicates in Spanish.” Hispania 97 (4), 451-465.
- Mejías-Bikandi, Errapel. 2009. “Conditional Sentences and Mood in Spanish”. In Journal of Pragmatics 41, 163-172.
- Mejías-Bikandi, Errapel. 2002. "Space Accessibility and the Pragmatic Status of Propositions." In From Words to Discourse: Trends in Spanish Semantics and Pragmatics, ed. by Javier Gutiérrez-Rexach, 145-158.
- Current Research in the Semantics/Pragmatics Interface: vol. 10. Oxford: Elsevier. Doiz-Bienzobas, Aintzane and Errapel Mejías-Bikandi. 2001. "El Aspecto, la Accesibilidad y el Alcance de los Cuantificadores." In Estudios Cognoscitivos del español. Número Monográfico de la Revista Española de Lingüística Aplicada. ed. by Ricardo Maldonado, 281-295.
- Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro. Castelón. Querétaro. Mejías-Bikandi, Errapel. 1999. "Prenominal Adjectives, Wh-extraction and Generalized Quantifiers." In Advances in Hispanic Linguistics. Papers from the 2nd Hispanic Linguistics Symposium, ed by Javier Gutiérrez Rexach and Fernando Martínez-Gil, 486-501.
- Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Press. Franco, Jon and Errapel Mejías-Bikandi. 1999. "The Presuppositionality Condition on Spanish Clitic Doubled Objects." In Formal Perspectives on Romance Linguistics, by Marc Authier, Barbara Bullock and Lisa Reed, 107-119.
- Amsterdam: John Benjamins. Mejías-Bikandi, Errapel. 1999. "Unaccusative and Antipassive Constructions in Basque and Spanish." In Grammatical Analyses in Basque and Romance Linguistics (in honor of professor Mario Saltarelli), ed. by Jon Franco and Juan Martín, 165-177.
- Amsterdam: John Benjamins. Mejías-Bikandi, Errapel. 1998. "Pragmatic Presupposition and Old-Information in the Explanation of the Use of the Subjunctive Mood in Spanish." Hispania 81, 941- 947.
- Franco, Jon and Errapel Mejías-Bikandi. 1997. "Overt and Covert Raising to Spec(AGR) an the Interpretation of Indefinite Objects." Linguistic Analysis 27: 1-2, 79-107.
- Mejías-Bikandi, Errapel. 1996. "Space Accessibility and Mood in Spanish." In Spaces,Worlds and Grammar, ed. by Gilles Fauconnier and Eve Sweetser, 157-78.
- Cognitive Theory of Language and Culture. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Mejías-Bikandi, Errapel. 1995. "The VP-internal Subject Hypothesis and Spanish Sentence Structure." In Contemporary Research in Romance Linguistics, ed. by Jon Amastae, Grant Goodall, Mario Montalbetti and Marianne Phinney, 275-289.
- Amsterdam: John Benjamins. Mejías-Bikandi, Errapel. 1995. "Presupposition Inheritance and Mood in Spanish. "Studies in Language Learning and Spanish Linguistics in Honor of Tracy D. Terrell, ed. by Peggy Hashemipour, Ricardo Maldonado and Margaret van Naerssen, 375-384.
- New York: McGraw-Hill. Mejías-Bikandi, Errapel. 1994. "The Nature of the Stage-Individual-level Distinction and its Syntactic Reflex: Evidence from Spanish." Proceedings of the West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics. Mead, Jonathan (ed.), 326-340.
- Stanford: Center for the Study of Language and Information. Mejías-Bikandi, Errapel. 1994. "Assertion and Speaker's Intention: A Pragmatically Based Account of Mood in Spanish." Hispania 77: 892-902.
- Mejías-Bikandi, Errapel. 1991. "Case Marking in Basque." International Journal of Basque Linguistics and Philology, XXV-2: 469-486.
- Mejías-Bikandi, Errapel. 1990. "Construcciones Causativas en Euskera." International Journal of Basque Linguistics and Philology, XXIV-3: 669-698.
- Mejías-Bikandi, Errapel. 1990. "Clause Union and Case Marking in Basque." Grammatical Relations: A Cross-Theoretic Perspective, ed. by Katarzyna Dziwirek, Patrick Farrell and Errapel Mejias-Bikandi, 263-277.
- Stanford: Center for the Study of Language and Information/Stanford Linguistics Association.
- Dziwirek, Katarzyna, Patrick Farrell and Errapel Mejías-Bikandi (eds). 1990. Grammatical Relations: A Cross-Theoretic Perspective. Stanford: Center for the Study of Language and Information/Stanford Linguistics Association.
- CONFERENCES/PRESENTATIONS “Pragmatic Assertion, Entailments and Mood”. Presented at KFLC: The languages, Literatures and Cultures Conference. Lexington, Kentucky. April 201
- “Is if a Conditional Conjunction?” Paper presented jointly with Prof. Aintzane Doiz-Bienzobas, from the University of the Basque Country, at the 13th Annual Meeting of the European Society for Philosophy and Psychology. University of Lund, Sweden. August 2005.
- "Prenominal Adjectives, Wh-extraction and Generalized Quantifiers." Paper invited to be presented at the Second Colloquium on Hispanic Linguistics. Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio. October 1998b.
- "Raising to Spec(AGRdo) and the Interpretation of Objects." Paper presented at the 28th Linguistic Symposium on Romance Languages. It was written in collaboration with Prof. Jon Franco, from the Universidad de Deusto, Bilbao-Spain. Penn State University, State College, Pennsylvania. April 1998a.
- "Spanish Causatives and Indefinites: Evidence for VP-Complementation," written in collaboration with Dr. John Moore and presented at the 68th annual meeting of the Linguistic Society of America. Boston, January 1994.
- "Grammar and the Shift from Space to Space in Natural Language Discourse". Invited talk at the Department of Cognitive Science. University of California at San Diego. La Jolla, November 1992a.
- "The Syntactic Reflex of the Stage/Individual-level distinction: Evidence from Spanish," paper presented at the 11th West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics (WCCFL XI), University of California at Los Angeles, February 1992b.
- "The VP-internal Subject Hypothesis and Spanish Sentence Structure," paper presented at the 22nd Linguistics Symposium on Romance Languages (LSRL XXII), University of Texas at El Paso, February 1992c.
- "Space Accessibility and Mood in Spanish," paper presented at the Mental Spaces Workshop within the 5th UC Berkeley-UC San Diego Cognitive Linguistics Workshop, University of California at San Diego, La Jolla, 1991.
- "Clause Union and Case-Marking in Basque," paper presented at the 5th Biennial Conference on Grammatical Relations, University of California at San Diego, La Jolla, January 1990.
- "The Object Marker in Eastern Neo-Aramaic: Is it an Incorporated Pronoun?," paper presented at the 22nd Annual Meeting of the Middle Eastern Studies Association, Beverly Hills, 1988.