Avatar for Ingrid Robyn

Ingrid Robyn

Associate Professor Modern Languages & Literatures University of Nebraska-Lincoln


OLDH 1123
Lincoln NE 68588-0315
402-472-3745 On-campus 2-3745

Ingrid Robyn (São Paulo, Brazil) is an Associate Professor of Spanish and Latin American Studies in the Department of Modern Languages and Literatures and the Institute for Ethnic Studies. She is a specialist in Caribbean literatures and cultures, with a secondary interest in Brazilian literature and culture. Her work explores connections between literature, visual arts and music, as well as transatlantic dialogues between Latin America and Europe in the avant-garde period. She is currently working on her first academic book, Rostros del reverso: José Lezama Lima en la encrucijada vanguardista. A poet and a translator, she has translated the first anthology of poems by Cuban cult poet Lorenzo García Vega to Portuguese, published under the title Palavras que repito: mostra poética (São Paulo: Lumme Editor, 2017). She is also the co-editor of www.ElRoommate.com.


Ph.D., Latin American Literature, University of Texas at Austin

M.A., Luso-Brazilian Literature, University of Texas at Austin

B.A., History, University of São Paulo

Selected Publications


  • Rostros del reverso: José Lezama Lima en la encrucijada vanguardista. Leiden: Almenrana Press, 2020. (academic monograph)

Peer Reviewed Articles

  • 2022 “El poeta como pintor: notas sobre Lorenzo García Vega y José Lezama Lima”. Revista de Crítica Literaria Latinoamericana 95 (2022): 221-244
  • 2018 “La tragicomedia de América: temporalidad, naturaleza y civilización en Daimón de Abel Posse y Aguirre, la cólera de Dios”. Revista de Estudios Hispánicos – Nueva Época 5:2 (2018): 81-105.
  • 2016 “Curating an International Avant-Garde: Visual Arts in Revista de Avance”. Transmodernity: Journal of Peripheral Cultural Production of the Luso-Hispanic World 6:2 (Fall 2016): 131-155. Web. Online
  • 2016 “Barroquismo amazonense: linguagem e real na Amazônia de Euclides da Cunha”. Intelligere: Revista de História Intelectual 2.2 (Outubro 2016): 95-109. Web. Online
  • 2015 "Entre labios y ojos desligados. Vanguardia y artes visuales en Muerte de Narciso de José Lezama Lima." Revista Iberoamericana 81.250 (Enero-Marzo 2015): 293-314. Print.
  • 2014 "Un monstruo en La Habana: monstruosidad, abyección y la sublimación del tirano en El color del verano de Reinaldo Arenas". Revista Canadiense de Estudios Hispánicos 38.3 (Spring 2014): 555-578. Print.
  • 2012 "Betraying the Island. Identidad puertorriqueña y subalternidad en No quiero quedarme sola y vacía de Ángel Lozada." Mester Literary Journal 40 (2011-2012): 33-52. Print.

Book Reviews

  • “Capitalismo, esquizofrenia e raça: o negro e o pensamento negro na modernidade ocidental”. Topoi – Revista de História do Programa de Pós-Graduação de História Social da UFRJ 18-36 (2017): 696-703. Print/Web. Online
  • Review of Hernández, Rita Indiana. La mucama de Omicunlé. El Roommate: Colectivo de Lectores (Summer 2018). Web. Online
  • Review of Dávila del Valle, Óscar G. Historia, identidad y cultura: La expresión americana de José Lezama Lima. El Roommate: Colectivo de Lectores (Fall 2016). Web. Online
  • Review of Madureira, Luís. Cannibal Modernities: Postcoloniality and the Avant-Garde in Caribbean and Brazilian Literature. Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press, 2005. El Roommate: Colectivo de Lectores (Fall 2013). Web. Online
  • Review of García Vega, Lorenzo. Suite para la espera. La Habana: Orígenes, 1948. El Roommate: Colectivo de Lectores (Summer 2012). Web. Online
  • Review of Garrandés, Alberto. Días invisibles. Santiago de Cuba: Editorial Oriente, 2009. El Roommate: Colectivo de Lectores (Fall 2011). Web. Online
  • Review of Lozada, Ángel. No quiero quedarme sola y vacía. Puerto Rico: Isla Negra, 2006. El Roommate: Colectivo de Lectores (Spring 2011). Web. Online


  • García Vega, Lorenzo. Palavras que repito. Mostra poética. Seleção e prólogo de Margarita Pintado Burgos. Tradução de Ingrid Robyn. São Paulo: Editora Lumme, 2017. (translation to Portuguese of an anthology of poems by Cuban writer Lorenzo García Vega)

Recently Taught Courses

Graduate Courses

  • SPAN 465-865: “Contemporary Caribbean Literature and Culture”
  • SPAN 993 “Chronicles of the End of the World: Dystopian Fictions in Latin America”
  • SPAN 991 “Avant-Garde and Postmodernism in Latin America”
  • SPAN 461-861 “History and Fiction in Latin America”
  • MODL 498/898 “Repeating Islands: Caribbean Literature and Culture Across Languages”, co-taught with Assistant Professor of French Julia Frengs
  • SPAN 498/898 “Modernities Out of Beat. Literature and Music in the Caribbean and the Caribbean Diaspora”

Undergraduate Courses

  • SPAN 331 “War and Human Rights in Latin America”
  • SPAN 341 “Translating Hispanic Culture: Contemporary Caribbean Poetry”
  • ETHN 202 “Introduction to Latino/a Studies”
  • SPAN 313 “Race and Empire in Latin America”
  • SPAN 312 “Modernity in Latin America”
  • ETHN 478 “Mulatto Cultures? The Issue of Race in Caribbean and Brazilian Cultural Production”