Faculty Publications


Rigo 2024

Rigoberto Guevara

“Espanto revelador: reflejo negro en dos cuentos de cipotes de Salarrué”. Cultura Iberoamericana 56 (2024):83-93.

Nora 2024

Nora Peterson

“Filling in the Gaps: Fragmented and Scripted Gender Representations in Early Modern France, "in Embodiment in the Health Humanities, edited by Lisa DeTora, Jodi Cressman, JeannieLudlow, and Nora M. Peterson, Palgrave, 2024.

Patti 2024

Patricia Simpson

“Farming Frontiers: The German Woman Pioneer," in Gender and German Colonialism Intimacies, Accountabilities, Intersections, ed. Elisabeth Krimmer and Chunjie Zhang, Routledge 2024. 

Patti 2024

Patricia Simpson

"Poetry of Empire: 'Der Wilde,' Indenture, and Indigeneity around 1800," Goethe Yearbook 31 (2024). https://doi.org/10.2307/jj.10329814.14

Patti 2024-2

Patricia Simpson

Recently Published, forthcoming in paperback: Screening Solidarity: Neoliberalism and Transnational Cinemas, by Helga Druxes, Alexandar Mihailovic, & Patricia Anne Simpson

Patti 2024-3

Patricia Simpson

“Plastic bodies: Petra Hůlová on the Banality of Desire” (Corps plastiques : Petra Hůlová et la banalité du désir) Patricia A. Simpson, Revue des études slaves, XCV-3, 2024, 349-365 https://doi.org/10.4000/12juq



Ikuho 2024

Ikuho Amano

“A Decadent Hermitage: Tanizaki Jun’ichirō’s The Golden Death as a Dilettante Translation of Artificial Paradise,” I Quaderni di LEA 6 (2024): 101-113. A special issue on Decadence and Translation edited by Jane Desmarais and Bénédicte Coste. The journal is administered by the University of Florence, Italy.

Ekin 24-1

Elizabeth Enkin

Enkin, E. (2024). Reframing office hours: Reimagining Mozilla Hubs in FrameVR. The FLTMag (July 2024), published by the International Association for Language Learning Technology (IALLT). 

Ekin 24-1

Elizabeth Enkin
Enkin, E. (2024). “Making it” in the language classroom: A look at 3D modeling with Luma AI. The FLTMag (July 2024), published by the International Association for Language Learning Technology (IALLT). 


Frengs 1

Julia Frengs

Frengs, Julia, and Maurer, Anaïs. “E Aha te ‘Avei’a? Quel cap prendre? Which Route to take?  New Directions in Contemporary Ma’ohi Literature: Introduction.” Australian Journal of French Studies 61.1. April 2024: 3–12. https://doi.org/10.3828/ajfs.2024.01 

Frengs 2

Julia Frengs

Frengs, Julia. “Titaua Porcher’s Hina, Maui et compagnie: Theater for a Snapchat Culture.” In Francophone Oceania Today: literature, visual arts, music and cinema. Eds. Michelle Royer, Nathalie Ségeral, and Léa Vuong. Liverpool University Press (2024): 179-195.

Frengs 3

Julia Frengs

Frengs, Julia. “Exposing the Hydrocolony in the Works of Chantal Spitz and Shenaz Patel.” Convergences Océanes: Ces Océans qui nous habitent. Eds. Magali Compan and Valérie Magdelaine-Andrianjafitrimo. Presses Universitaires Indianocéaniques (2024): 161–178.

Iker 24

Iker Gonzalez-Allende

“El feminismo colectivo y la sexualidad perra de Itziar Ziga.” Aspectos de la diversidad en la cultura hispánica, edited by Ricardo de la Fuente Ballesteros y Jesús Pérez Magallón, Valladolid, Universitas Castellae, 2024, pp. 73-81.

Iker 24-2

Iker Gonzalez-Allende

Masculinidades gays y maricas en la cultura española contemporánea. Ed. Iker González-Allende. Barcelona-Madrid, Egales, 2024. 320 pages. Colección G, Serie Estudios Universitarios LGTBQ. ISBN 978-84-19728-65-4

Iker 24-3

Iker Gonzalez-Allende

“Nueva York-La Mancha: migración y transnacionalidad queer en la obra de Dionisio Cañas.” Siglo XXI: Literatura y Cultura Españolas, no. 22, 2024, pp. 115-139. 

Iker 24-4

Iker Gonzalez-Allende

“Unidas en la diversidad contra el heteropatriarcado: la feminidad subversiva en la obra de Itziar Ziga.” Bulletin of Contemporary Hispanic Studies, vol. 6, no. 2, 2024, pp. 167-183. 

Iker 24-5

Iker Gonzalez-Allende

Iker González-Allende and José Ramón Zabala Agirre. “José Ángel Ascunce: una aventura intelectual.” José Ángel Ascunce (1946-2020): Una aventura intelectual, editado por Carmen Gil Fombellida y José Ramón Zabala Agirre, Donostia-San Sebastián, Hamaika Bide, 2024, pp. 21-34.


Iker Gonzalez-Allende

“El hombre que mira: deseo y sexualidad marica en la obra de Dionisio Cañas.” Masculinidades gays y maricas en la cultura española contemporánea, edited by Iker González-Allende, Barcelona-Madrid, Egales, 2024, pp. 83-107.

hana 24

Hana Waisserova

Waisserova, Hana. Book chapter: “Writing Human Ecology: Serving Poetic Justice to Truth and Love” in Modern Czech Literature: Writing in Times of Political Trauma. (2024, Vernon Press; Ed. Andrew Drozd)


Rigo 2023

Rigoberto Guevara

“Las barreras al modernismo poético en El Salvador”. Siglo diecinueve (Literatura hispánica) 29 (2023) ISSN: 1136-2308. ISSN-e: 2695-9240.

Hana 2023

Hana Waisserova

Flanagan, Brenda, and Hana Waisserova. Women’s Artistic Dissent: Repelling Totalitarianism in Pre-1989 Czechoslovakia. (Lexington Books, an imprint of The Rowman & Littlefield Publishing Group, Inc., 2023)

Nora 2023-1

Nora Peterson

“What Does Rape Look Like? Textual and Visual Representations of Sexual Assault in the Heptaméron (1559).” Explorations in Renaissance Culture, vol. 49, no. 1 (2023): 82-120.

Nora 2023-2

Nora Peterson

“Parler ou mourir: Speech and Danger in the Heptaméron.” French Forum, vol. 27, no. 2-3 (2023), pp. 109-123.

Patti 2023

Patricia Simpson

"Black Actors: Eighteenth-Century Cultures and Decolonial Fantasies" Goethe Yearbook 30 (2023)

Abla 2023

Abla Hasan

Moving from male-centric fallacies to feminist interpretive authority” in Journal of Feminist Studies in Religion, Indiana University Press. 39.2 (2023), 91–93.

Ikuho 2023

Ikuho Amano

Financial Euphoria, Consumer Culture, and Literature of 1980s Japan: Dreams of the Bubble Economy. London: Routledge, 2023.

Ikuho 2023-2

Ikuho Amano

Book chapter, “Infatuated with Il Vate: Mishima’s Transmesis of D’Annunzio as the Decadent Poet, Patriot, and Celebrity,” in D’Annunzio and World Literature: Multilingualism, Translation, Reception edited by Michael Subialka and Elisa Segnini. Edinburgh: University of Edinburgh Press, 2023. 330-344.

Iker 23-1

Iker Gonzalez-Allende

“Entre la humillación y la lucha: Masculinidad y discapacidad en Cartas desde el infierno (1996), de Ramón Sampedro.” Hispania, vol. 106, no. 4, 2023, pp. 579-592. [co-authored with Montserrat Fuente-Camacho].

Iker 23-2

Iker Gonzalez-Allende

“El mito del gudari: La masculinidad del soldado vasco en Euzkadi en llamas, de Ramón Belaustegigoitia.” Los mitos del exilio 1936-1939, edited by Carmen Gil Fombellida and José Ramón Zabala Agirre, Donostia, Hamaika Bide, 2023, pp. 307-324.

Iker 23-3

Iker Gonzalez-Allende

“‘La realidad es una guerra continua’: La cultura de la violencia en el Medio Oeste de los Estados Unidos en El mapa de los afectos, de Ana Merino.” La expansión y revisión de un mito: el Oeste norteamericano en la literatura española, edited by David Río, Madrid, Iberoamericana-Vervuert, 2023, pp. 269-289.


Rigo 2022

Rigoberto Guevara

“La lucha liberal: las espinas de la nostalgia y el amor en la poesía de Rafael Cabrera”. El jardín de los poetas. Revista de teoría y crítica de poesía latinoamericana 14 (2022): 189-206.

Nora 2022

Nora Peterson

"‘Il me prit un frisson si grand’: Writing the Body in the Mémoires and Letters of Marguerite de Valois." Early Modern Women: An Interdisciplinary Journal, vol. 17, no. 1 (Fall 2022): 56-75.

Abla 2022

Abla Hasan 

On Pain and Suffering: A Qur’anic Perspective. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, Feb 7, 2022. (Hardcopy)

Abla 2022-2

Abla Hasan

The Qur’anic Dilemma: A Hermeneutical Investigation of al-Khidr. London and New York: Routledge. Routledge Studies in Islam and Human Rights. December 9, 2022. (Hardcopy)

Ikuho 2022

Ikuho Amano

“Tsuyu no atosaki [During the Rain] by Nagai Kafū,” Palgrave Encyclopedia of Urban Literary Studies, ed. Jeremy Tambling, London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2022, 1813-1816.

Ikuho may 22

Ikuho Amano

Annotated translation, translated with James Shea, Masaoka Shiki’s essay, Kuso no ku [Haiku on Shit], Poetry, 220. 2 (May 2022): 192-206.

Enkin 2022

Elizabeth Enkin

Enkin, E. (2022). Comparing two worlds: Spanish learners’ face-to-face and immersive social VR speaking experiences. Computer-Assisted Language Learning Electronic Journal (CALL-EJ), 23(1), 22–42.

Iker 22-1

Iker Gonzalez-Allende

“Hombres gays y homoafecto: masculinidades gays alternativas en Hombres de verdad (2020), de Alberto Marcos.” Estudios LGBTIQ+, Comunicación y Cultura, vol. 2, no. 2, 2022, pp. 25-34. [co-authored with Daniel Lino Plata].

Iker 22-2

Iker Gonzalez-Allende

“‘Dulce oveja y brava leona’: Las mujeres de la clase trabajadora en el teatro de Pilar Millán Astray.” Lectora: Revista de Dones i Textualitat, no. 28, 2022, pp. 75-91.

Iker 22-3

Iker Gonzalez-Allende

“El dolor que redime: sacrificio y género durante la guerra civil española en En la gloria de aquel amanecer (1937), de María Sepúlveda.” Cincinnati Romance Review, vol. 53, 2022, pp. 131-146.

Iker 22-4

Iker Gonzalez-Allende

“Del macho ibérico al hombre de familia: Masculinidad, emigración y franquismo en Vente a Alemania, Pepe y Un franco, 14 pesetas.” Letras Hispanas, vol. 18, 2022, pp. 15-29. [co-authored with Lara A. Garrido].

Iker 22-5

Iker Gonzalez-Allende

“Gizonak agerian: Masculinitatea, patrilinealtasuna eta feminismoa Karmele Jaioren ipuinetan.” Karmele Jaioren literatura, emozio gorpuztua, edited by Mari Jose Olaziregi Alustiza and Amaia Elizalde Estenaga, Leioa, Universidad del País Vasco / Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea, 2022, pp. 153-174.

Iker 22-6

Iker Gonzalez-Allende

“An Exiled Basque Woman in the United States: Gender and Nation in Basque Girl (1940), by Mirim Isasi.” Spain’s 1939 Exiles in the Americas and Maryland: Eighty Years, Alive in Our Hearts, edited by José María Naharro-Calderón, Madrid, Iberoamericana-Vervuert, 2022, pp. 147-166.

Ingrid 22

Ingrid Robyn

"El poeta como pintor: notas sobre Lorenzo Garcia Vega y Jose Lezama Lima". Revista de Critica Literaria Latinoamericana 95 (2022): 221-244


Hana 2021-1

Hana Waisserova

Waisserova, Hana. "Eda Kriseová and Her Prophecy of the Velvet Revolution: ‘The Gates Opened’ (1984)." Kosmas. Czechoslovak and Central European Journal. 2.2 (2019): 59-76. Print. Note: published in Jan 2021; KOSMAS ISSN 1056-005X) 

Hana 2021-2

Hana Waisserova

Waisserova, Hana. "Concerning a Manuscript from Czech Immigrant’s Trunk: Postil by Johannes Spangenberg (1557)." Kosmas.2.2 (2019): 22-41. Print. Note: published in Jan 2021; KOSMAS ISSN 1056-005X.

Nora 2021

Nora Peterson

Editor: Miracles of Love: French Fairy Tales by Women, with translations by Jordan Stump. MLA Texts and Translations Series (2021).

Abla 2021

Abla Hasan

“Niqula Ghabriyal, Abhath al-Mujtahidin” in Christian-Muslim Relations, vol. 18 The Ottoman Empire (1800-1914), (Leiden: Brill). Co-authored with Simon A. Wood, Classics and Religious Studies, 2021.

Abla 2021

Abla Hasan

 “Al-Tamimi l-Dari and Al-sayf al-saqil” in Christian-Muslim Relations, vol.18, (Leiden: Brill). Co-authored with Simon A. Wood, Classics and Religious Studies, 2021.

Ikuho 2021

Ikuho Amano

Book review of William Gardner’s The Metabolist Imagination: Visions of the City in Postwar Japanese Architecture and Science Fiction (University of Minnesota Press, 2020), The Journal of Asian Studies 80.2 (2021): 483-485.

Ikuho 2022

Ikuho Amano

“Visions of Phantasm: Madame de Sade in the Excess of Language and Imagination,”Volupté: Interdisciplinary Journal of Decadence Studies, a special issue on Decadence and Performance edited by Adam Alston and Alexandra Trott, 4.2 (2021): 89-105. 

Enkin 21-1

Elizabeth Enkin

Enkin, E. & Kirschling, E. (2021). The smart language lab: Building and integrating emerging technology into language programs. In E. Lavolette & A. Kraemer (Eds.), Language center handbook 2021 (pp. 313–340). Auburn, AL: International Association for Language Learning Technology (IALLT).

Enkin 21-2

Elizabeth Enkin

Enkin, E., Tytarenko, O., & Kirschling, E. (2021). Integrating and assessing the use of a “Makerspace” in a Russian cultural studies course: Utilizing immersive virtual reality and 3D printing for project-based learning. CALICO Journal, 38(1), 103–127. Special Issue (Innovation and Creation: The Maker Movement, Guest Editors: Gillian Lord and Sébastien Dubreil).  

Iker 21-1

Iker Gonzalez-Allende

“Tradición y modernidad de la mujer vasca: Género, nacionalismo vasco y exilio estadounidense en las obras de Mirim Isasi.” Sancho el Sabio: Revista de Cultura e Investigación Vasca, no. 44, 2021, pp. 77-101.

Iker 21-2

Iker Gonzalez-Allende

“Del poder masculino a su resistencia: La masculinidad hegemónica y sus fisuras en Historias del Kronen (1994), de José Ángel Mañas.” Bulletin of Hispanic Studies, vol. 98, no. 8, 2021, pp. 831-847. [co-authored with Alfonso Bartolomé].


Book cover

Ikuho Amano
"Poetics of Acculturation: Early Pure Land Buddhism and Topography of the Periphery in Orikuchi Shinobu's The Book of the Dead," Japanese Language and Literature 54. 1(2020): 1-35.

Book cover for The Play World

Patricia Anne Simpson
The Play World: Toys, Texts, and the Transatlantic German Childhood, Penn State University Press, 2020.

Margenes Del Reverso book cover

Ingrid Robyn
Márgenes del reverso. José Lezama Lima en la encrucijada. Almenara Press, 2020. David Ramírez. Rhode Island College. 104. ISSN: 1523-1720.

Comienzos para una estética anarquista: Borges con Macedonio book cover

Luis Othoniel Rosa
Comienzos para una estética anarquista: Borges con Macedonio. 2nd revised and expanded edition. Buenos Aires, Argentina: Editorial Corregidor, 2020.

Down With Gargamel

Luis Othoniel Rosa
Down with Gargamel! Translated by Noel Black. USA: Argos Books, August 2020. 89 pages. Print

That Time of Year

Jordan Stump
Translation. NDiaye, Marie. That Time of Year. San Francisco: Two Lines Press, 2020.


Jordan Stump
Translation. Mukasonga, Scholastique. Igifu. New York: Archipelago Books, 2020.

Family Letters

Isabel Velázquez
Cartas a la familia: De la migración de Jesusita a Jane. Bilingual Digital Archive developed with the Center for Digital research in the Humanities.

Iker 20-1

Iker Gonzalez-Allende

Critical edition of Ramón Belaustegigoitia. Euzkadi en llamas. 1938. Ed. Iker González-Allende. Tafalla, Spain: Txalaparta, 2020. 609 pages. ISBN 978-84-18252-17-4. “Introducción: El alma vasca de Ramón Belaustegigoitia,” pp. 7-34.

Iker 20-2

Iker Gonzalez-Allende

“El manso y el guapo de cara: Masculinidades alternativas y marginalizadas y sexualidades masculinas en La buena estrella, de Ricardo Franco.” Boletín de la Academia Norteamericana de la Lengua Española (BANLE), vol. 12, no. 23, 2020, pp. 91-117.

Iker 20-3

Iker Gonzalez-Allende

“Hombres españoles desplazados: Masculinidades y nación en los exilios y migraciones españoles durante el franquismo.” Studia Historica: Historia Contemporánea, vol. 38, 2020, pp. 151-174. 

Iker 20-4

Iker Gonzalez-Allende

“El nacionalismo vasco en el exilio en los Estados Unidos: Masculinidad vasca e identidad transnacional en White Stars of Freedom (1942), de Mirim Isasi y Melcena Burns Denny.” Revista de Lenguas y Literaturas Catalana, Gallega y Vasca, vol. 25, 2020, pp. 187-215.


Die Unterrichtspraxis

Ted Dawson
With the Eaton Group (multiple authors). "A Multilingual Turn in German Studies: Premises, Provisos, and Prospects." Die Unterrichtspraxis/ Teaching German," vol. 52, no.1, 2019, pp. 14-31


Iker González Allende
"Mujeres que trabajan: La economía feminista en la narrativa de Eider Rodríguez.” Symposium: A Quarterly Journal in Modern Literatures, vol. 73, no. 4, 2019, pp. 203-18.

Art from Trauma

Iker González Allende
“Womenʼs Friendship in Exile: Healing in the Epistolary Correspondence Between Zenobia Camprubí and Pilar de Zubiaurre.” Art from Trauma: Genocide and Healing Beyond Rwanda. In Honor of Chantal Kalisa, eds. Rangira Béa Gallimore and Gerise Herndon. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 2019, pp. 201-15.

Cover of Decoding the Egalitarianism of the Quran

Abla Hasan
Decoding the Egalitarianism of the Qur’an: retrieving lost voices on gender. Lanham, Boulder, New York, London: Lexington Books. 2019.

Contemporary French Civilization

Julia Frengs
"A Cultural Interface: An Interview with Nicolas Kurtovitch." Contemporary French Civilization Volume 44.4 (December 2019): 445 – 458.

The French Review

Julia Frengs
"Présences polyvalentes: Protean Polynesian Voices in the Works of Rai Chaze and Titaua Peu.” The French Review Volume 93.1 (October 2019): 141–153.

Bodies in Transition in the Health Humanities

Nora Martin Peterson
"Embodied Transitions in Michel de Montaigne.” Co-authored article with Peter Martin, contribution 75%. In Bodies in Transition in the Health Humanities, ed. Lisa M. DeTora and Stephanie Hilger. New York: Routledge, 2019. 121-131.

Spain After the Indignados/15-M Movement - The 99% Speaks Out

Oscar Pereira-Zazo
"Introduction: After the 15M.” Spain After the Indignados/15-M Movement - The 99% Speaks Out. Edited by Oscar Pereira-Zazo and Steven Torres. Palgrave Macmillan, 2019, pp. 1-18 (Co-authored with Steven L. Torres, 50%)

International Review of Pragmatics

Errapel Mejías-Bikandi
"Gradual Conventionalization of Pragmatic Inferences.” International Review of Pragmatics, vol. 11 (1), 222-234.

Revista de Estudios Hispánicos – Nueva Época

Ingrid Robyn
"La tragicomedia de América: temporalidad, naturaleza y civilización en Daimón de Abel Posse y Aguirre, la cólera de Dios.” Revista de Estudios Hispánicos – Nueva Época, 5:2 (2018): 81-105.

Realities and Fantasies of German Female Leadership: From Maria Antonia of Saxony to Angela Merkel

Patricia Anne Simpson
"Realities and Fantasies of German Female Leadership: From Maria Antonia of Saxony to Angela Merkel (Rochester, NY: Camden House, 2019).

The Cheffe

Jordan Stump
Translation. NDiaye, Marie. The Cheffe. London: MacLehose Press; New York: Knopf Books, 2019.

Tango of Death

Olha Tytarenko
Co- translator, Yuri Vynnychuk’s novel Tango of Death. Co-translated with Michael Naydan Spuyten Duyvill Publishing, 2019.

Sweet Darusya: A Tale of Two Villages

Olha Tytarenko
Co-translator, Maria Matios’s novel Sweet Darusya: A Tale of Two Villages. Co-translated with Michael Naydan Spuyten Duyvill Publishing, 2019.

Art from Trauma

Isabel Velázquez
"Memory, Language and Healing." Art from Trauma: Genocide and Healing beyond Rwanda. Essays in Honor of Chantal Kalisa. Rangira Béa Gallimore and Gerise Herndon, Eds. (33-38). University of Nebraska Press.

IATC logo

Hana Waisserova
“Thank you, samizdat!" Czech Language News, International Association of Teachers of Czech, Fall 2019, Number Fifty-One, p.4-7, ISSN 1085-2960

The Comparitist

Sijia Yao
“Pessimistic Chinese Cosmopolitanism and Jia Zhangke’s The World.” The Comparatist, vol. 43 (2019): 147-158.

Iker 2019

Iker Gonzalez-Allende

Displaced Spanish Men: Masculinity, Sexuality and Migration in Hemos perdido el sol (1963), by Ángel María de Lera.” Romance Quarterly, vol. 66, no. 4, 2019, pp. 205-217.


Ingrid 18

Ingrid Robyn

"La tragicomedia de America: temporalidad, naturaleza y civilización en Daimon de Abel Posse y Aguirre, la colera de Dios". Revista de Estudios Hispánicos-Nueva Epoca 5:2 (2018): 81-105.


Rigo 2017

Rigoberto Guevara

“Rubén Darío, Delmira Agustini y César Vallejo: lo sensual, aural y aromático. Sutileza del deseo  erótico y acción directa”. Hispanic Poetry Review. XII. 2 (2017).

Ingrid 17

Ingrid Robyn

García Vega, Lorenzo. Palavras que repito. Mostra poética. Seleção e prólogo de Margarita Pintado Burgos. Tradução de Ingrid Robyn. São Paulo: Editora Lumme, 2017. (translation to Portuguese of an anthology of poems by Cuban writer Lorenzo García Vega)